
PSEO Homeschool Partners

Crown partners with homeschool groups to provide qualified 11th and 12th grade students hybrid PSEO courses that combine instruction from Crown’s online professors and face-to-face instruction from course assistants at your homeschool group. 

Crown’s homeschool partnerships give students easy access to college courses right in their own homeschool group location.

  • Students in Minnesota save money by taking these classes for FREE (PSEO)!
  • For homeschool groups outside of MN, the cost is just $90/credit per student (Dual Enrollment).

Course Assistant Format:

We can offer PSEO classes in a hybrid format. With this format, students attend weekly face-to-face class sessions at your school and receive instruction from their teacher or a Course Assistant who partners with a credentialed online Crown professor. This option gives students the opportunity to get support from a familiar teacher while taking a high-quality online course under the guidance of a credentialed faculty member from Crown.

Keep in Mind:

  • Students can also take additional online PSEO courses; discuss this option with your school guidance counselor to make sure this works with your schedule and graduation requirements.
  • The PSEO student and parent our guardian are responsible to work closely with their high school counselor to ensure that the courses to be taken at Crown College will satisfy their high school graduation requirements.
  • Each student will be assigned a PSEO academic advisor who will provide academic and registration assistance.
  • Our off-campus PSEO options, including our online, high school hybrid, and homeschool hybrid options do not require a faith statement and will not be affected by the pending PSEO legislation.

We work with each PSEO Partner to determine the best course offerings for your students.  See Crown’s Catalog, for course descriptions.  Terms when courses are offered may vary.

Course options include the following: 

BUS 140: Theory & Practice of Social Entrepreneurship

BUS 2413: Business Management & Ethics

ENG 1510: College Writing and Research

ENG 2510: American Literature

FAR 1600: Digital Imagining

HIS 1510: World Civilizations

HIS 2510: American Government

HUM106: College Success Strategies and Skills

IT 106: Intro to Computer Applications

LAN 255: Spanish I

LAN 335: Spanish III

MAT 131: College Algebra

MAT 243: Calculus I (Full Year Class)

MUS 235: Music and the Arts

PHI 232: Introduction to Philosophy

PSY1010: Career Exploration

PSY 130: General Psychology

SCI 233: General Biology (Full Year class)

SCI 2471: Physics (Full Year class)

SCI 245: Chemistry (Full Year class)

SOC151: College Success Strategies

SOC 230: Sociology

BUS 130: Concepts of Personal Finance

COM 1515: Public Communication

COM 247: Media Foundations

ENG 1512: Introduction to Literary Analysis

ENG 2512: World Literature

FAR 1560: Art Appreciation

HIS 2520: US History

IT 204: Introduction to Computer Programming

LAN 256: Spanish II

LAN 411: Spanish Language Short Stories

MAT 130: Mathematics Survey

MAT 1410: Precalculus

MAT 2230: Statistical Concepts

MUS 1522: Class Voice Lessons

PED 1515: Health and Wellness for Life

PED 1020: Personal Physical Fitness

PSY236: Developmental Psychology

SCI 2510: Nutritional Concepts

SOC 2530: Intro to Human Geography    

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