
Crown College Completes Major Renovation of East Wing Classrooms

Crown College is proud to announce the completion of its East Wing classroom renovation, a project valued at approximately $1.7 million. This project was funded in large part by two generous $500,000 donations from anonymous family foundations. Completing the East Wing Classrooms marks a key milestone in the college’s ongoing commitment to enhancing the academic environment. 

Following the successful renovation of the West Wing classrooms last year, the East Wing project kicked off this past summer. The project features a modernized classroom layout, a dedicated student lounge, state-of-the-art teaching technology, hyperflex classroom furniture, new carpeting, and an upgraded HVAC system.  

As we continue to pursue our vision of becoming the Midwest’s boldly Christian college, tThese renovated spaces provide students and faculty with an enriched learning environment, fostering innovative approaches to education,” said President Andrew Denton. “At Crown College, our commitment to academic excellence is unwavering, and  we are thankful to our donors and partners for making this project possible. These improvements will undoubtedly strengthen the academic achievements of both our students and faculty.”  

This renovation is part of a broader initiative, with nearly $20 million invested in campus facilities over the past three years. Recent enhancements include a new residence hall, renovations to the West Wing classrooms, lecture hall, dining center, student center, welcome center, apartment-style residence halls, locker rooms, athletic training room, campus store, and athletic weight room. These projects have been funded through donations and other investments, ensuring no increase in tuition costs. 

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