
Dr. Leslie Mathews

Associate Professor | Chair of Teacher Education

School of Liberal Arts + Education

Department: Teacher Education


Educational and/or Professional Credentials

Ph.D. Special Education, University of Oklahoma 

MA.Ed. Special Education, Union University 

B.S. Special Education, Union University

Licensed special education teacher (Autism Spectrum Disorders, Learning Disabilities, Emotional Behavior Disorders, Early Childhood Special Education, Academic and Behavior Strategist, K-12 Mild-Moderate, K-12 Severe-Profound)

Professional Focus and/or Research Agenda

My research agenda includes special education teacher stress and interventions for students with disabilities. 

Faith Statement

It is my goal to prepare students to be highly effective educators with a mastery in their specific academic discipline who can make a Kingdom impact on individual students, families, colleagues, and communities. 

Published Works, Dissertation Topic, Awards, Accolades, Affiliations

Mathews, L.A. (2020). Dissertation: Special education teachers: An evaluation of stress, coping skills, and the impact of administrative support. Unpublished. 


Mathews, L. A., Osmani, K. J. & Martin, J. E. (2020). Examining the effectiveness of fidgets on attention of elementary students with ADHD. Journal of the American Academy of Special Education Professionals. 


Bouck, E., Mathews, L. A. & Peltier, C. (2020). Virtual manipulatives: A tool to support access and achievement with middle school students with disabilities. Journal of Special Education Technology. 


Peltier, C., Morin, K. L., Bouck, E. C., Lingo, M., Pulos, J. M., Schreffler, F., Suk, A., Mathews, L. A., Sinclair, T., & Deardorff, M. (2019). A meta-analysis of single-case research using mathematics manipulatives with students at-risk or identified with a disability. The Journal of Special Education. 


Harrison, J. R., Kwong, C., Evans, S. W., Peltier, C., & Mathews, L. (2019). Game-based self-management: Addressing inattention during independent reading and written response. Journal of Applied School Psychology.