Your journey is just beginning.
Spring Welcome week 2025
Welcome Week Spring Schedule
Welcome week is jam-packed with events that are designed to get you connected with the community here at Crown. You won’t want to miss out.

Move-In Guide
Get a jump-start on your packing.
Below is a list of items that many students use while in college. It’s not a complete list, nor is it necessary to have everything on the list. And don’t worry about bringing everything at once. Wait and see what you really need before purchasing items.
What is provided?
Every room in the residence hall is equipped with a bunkbed (extra-long twin), desk and chair, armoire/drawers for each student.
New students are provided a complimentary laundry card which functions like a debit card. Students add money to their card to pay for laundry on campus.
What should I bring?
List of what you should bring to campus:
- Personal décor to spice up your dorm
- Loads of blankets and pillows — to keep you comfy
- Bedsheets (Twin XL) and a mattress pad, to ensure a good night’s sleep
- Winter clothes. Seriously, Minnesota gets chilly! So grab a parka and some boots
- Alarm clock (or alarm clock app — really anything so you aren’t late for class)
- Cleaning supplies — to keep your place neat and tidy
- Clothes hangers — to keep you looking good
- Wastebasket
- Laundry detergents and baskets
- Shower curtain
- Towels and washcloths
- Laptop. (If you don’t have a laptop, computers are available on campus during most business hours)
What could I bring?
List of what you might consider bringing to campus:
- Mini-Fridge (4.3 cu.ft. or less) — to keep the energy drinks cold. (Richardson and Strohm are allowed one fridge per suite. SPBI is allowed two fridges per suite. Refrigerators are provided in Weldin, Tewinkel, and Faith Village)
- Swimwear, to tour Minnesota’s 10,000 lakes
- Power strip, to plug in all your gadgets
- Desk/floor lamp — in case you want a bit more ambiance
- Desk supplies (organizer, stapler, scissors, ruler, calculator, pens, etc.)
- Board games and cards, for roommate bonding time
- Raincoat and/or umbrella, in case of unexpected precipitation
- Bike with a lock
- Extra wastebasket
- Shower caddy
- Speakers
- Fan – for those warm fall and spring evenings
What should I NOT bring?
List of things that you cannot bring to campus:
- Candles, or pretty much anything that has an open flame (we prefer our buildings to not be on fire).
- Halogen lamps (still don’t want our buildings on fire).
- Appliances with open heating elements (toasters, hot plates, space heaters, etc. — still don’t want our buildings on fire).
- Weapons of any kind, including airsoft and paintball gear.
- Pets, unless it’s a fish (fish are friends, not food).
- Fireworks of any kind (pretty much anything that explodes).
- Microwaves (residence halls have microwaves provided in the community kitchens).

Welcome Week Wisdom
Get involved! Attend everything on the schedule. These few days have been designed to introduce you to Crown, your academic experience, provide opportunities for you to develop new friendships, and help you understand the resources that Crown has to offer.
Yes, ATTEND everything. There are MANY opportunities to win prizes, but you MUST be present to win…Target gift cards, gas gift cards, Domino’s Gift cards, just to name a few…
Get to know your leaders. Your Welcome Week Small Group Leader, Student Revival Ambassadors, Student Chaplains, and other Welcome Week Student Leaders will all be excellent resources for you as you begin your academic career.
Meet different types of students. New students include athletes, international students, commuter students, traditional residential students, transfer students, non-traditional and PSEO students.
Meet faculty and staff. Develop relationships early. These individuals are here to equip, empower, and challenge you in your learning.
More questions? Visit our FAQ page.
We had a great time last fall.
Watch the 2024 Welcome Week video